Excel Mgmt

Shiloh Catori


The state of Florida is currently on a winning streak of producing top skateboarding talent, and Shiloh Catori is emerging to keep that streak alive for the future. Just into her teen years, this Black Sabbath loving badass caught the skateboard bug from her older brother while tagging along to competitions and watching alongside her mother. A short time later, she beat big bro in a contest and her love for skating was officially cemented like the DIY’s and street spots in her hometown of Tampa. When asked about her goals in skateboarding, Shiloh is very clear, “I want to be just as good at skating as the boys. I hope to inspire other girls to do the same. My hope is to become one of the gnarliest female street skaters.” With an attitude like that, it’s no surprise when she shares clips jumping down rails and attacking roof gaps like her favorite skater Milton Martinez. When not skating, Shiloh likes to draw, dance, and hang out with Dolly, her deaf Boston Terrier.

Cons skateboarding, Toy Machine, Skatepark of Tampa, Mob, Independent Trucks, Spitfire, Bones Bearings

Age 15 from Tampa, FL, USA




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